السبت، 5 ديسمبر 2015

هوذا بلدكم تترك لكم. خرابا!

يوم الاتحادية كان أربع بعد التلات. كنت مروح حرفيا جارر رجلي. بحركها كلها من مفصل الحوض. 8 خبطات منهم جروح ومنهم تمزقات في اربطة. الراجل بتاع الإسعاف كان بيقولي هم بينشنوا عليك! :)
وبعد كدة يطلع واحد مهيطل يقولك السيسي شال الإخوان.
الإخوان سقطوا فعليا وهم في مواجهة معانا كاشفين وشهم للي كان بينتخبهم. سقطوا لما نزلوا يضربوا كام واحد عزل في خيمة فنزلنا عليهم زعلناهم. سقطوا لما غطوا يفط مقراتهم بالسجاجيد ولما دومة راح لتاني مرة قدام مقرهم وماهمهوش.
المعركة ماكانتش متكافئة كالعادة وسقط شهداء وده الطبيعي لما نكون عزل بنواجه ميليشيات وشرطة بتلحقهم بغاز وخرطوش غير اللي معاهم. تمن عادي بندفعه عشان بلد احسن حلمنا ومصريين عليها. بنقف ونجري ونرد ونرجع ونسيب الموت يختار الأنبل والأطهر.
ربنا يخليلكم قاهر الإخوان ومفجر الثورة وبرطمانه بس طلعولنا اصحابنا الجدعان. احنا مش مسامحين في العيون وفي دم الأبرياء بس خلاص هوذا بلدكم تترك لكم. خرابا زي ما انتوا عاوزينها وبتسعولها.

الأربعاء، 7 أكتوبر 2015

cairo, egypt, 9th Oct, 2011

     That was gonna be a normal day as i have thought.

the video is for +18
blood and violence content

      my mother was talking about a demonstration for copts*; because political islamic parties supporters have demolished a church in upper egypt under the eye of egyptian government which was a tool in the hand of SCAF*.
i felt that it is just a march and some chants like we are poor egyptians, we are hopeless,  please give us some of or civilian rights. it is worthless for a dear to ask a wolf for the rights of living and i had a believe that SCAF will be wise enough not to harass the defenestration as two days early they were video recorded brutally assault a peaceful christian civilian in the official military uniform. so they will avoid that noise.
finally i decided to avoid that march known as Maspero*; i told my mother to go and participate and not to worry and for me i will go to work. i already was preparing to apply for a master* in engineering and i had to get some papers from my employer.
5:45 pm i was heading home in work bus. my mother was telling me over phone: "Mina! it is a big march, we occupy all the way through two neighborhood. she was happy.
later she told me that some unofficial forces started to drop them by rocks and how it was hard for women, kids and elder to face that without some help of youth.
after 6:15 pm there were a call and my mother was telling me the military forces at Maspero the destination shoot them and that she and other women hide over pavement while guys try to defend them; and i heard a voice of other woman screaming: "they run over people" !!!!
i was just stepping down my work buss. run to home dropping paper heading to Maspero area to rescue my mother.
twitter was active that time, one of my muslim friends was around and published a live pic of minced flesh. a victim was run over by egyptian army vehicles.
i was in rush. i took the underground. there were lies going on. some one stepped in metro saying that many mosques was burnt by copts. that was for sure a regime propaganda and psycho preparing for a massacre. i showed people in metro pics was taken there in Maspero, shouting out lairs.
i went on my way walking 2 metro stops away as i know police and military will setup traps for people as i used them during the Jam25 revolution.
people on cafe-shops watching breaking news. the official media pretend that christian copts are killing army soldiers! and asking others to to protect the army. it was a bleeding joke!
i passed by some bridges reading words saying " eslam teslam" it means become a muslim to get a peaceful life.
after a while i reached the massacre place. after walking in the middle of street to avoid militias on its both sides.
i went a head, i have found my mother crying and being teared by gas bombs. she told me my brother still in front. i went further and found my brother.
police and military where attacking people. me, my brother and some friend i know them as rebels was facing the military and police to help elder, women and kids to go back safe.
SCAF forces used guns and gas bombs then people who live around Maspero stepped in to defend the army! they were normal civilians believed the official media lies and some criminals who help police usually.
we stopped the civilians and they were asking to stop rocking each other so we did. i went forward, spoke to them. they said we protect the army. i asked how come and how could we trust an army need a protection from his own citizens who are peaceful and showed them all i have that a tear gas mask and scarf. and explained that no body attacks army in group consist of majority of old people and women holding wooden crosses.
they were convinced but criminals among them went after copts again after some time of peace. i went back as well running. i faced some criminals that asked for seeing my rest to see if i have cross tattoo but my muslim friend Rasha Azab and Salma Eltorzy protected me. 
after a while during the early morning of 10th Oct i found my brother again and my mother away off maspero. we tried to enter Tahrir square but military blocked the routes.
rumors were told to army soldiers that christians killed 7 of them, that made them crazy and willing to kill us.
many islamic groups went to attack the hospital that contain the assassinated copts. and hardly people relatives secured it till the anatomy was complete.
i was in down town. i watched islamists roaming around chanting fuck christians. they were holding knifes, swords and sticks shouting were is christians. 
so we went home, then early morning i went to my college to apply for the master as it was the dead line.
i went to cathedral to attend the ceremony.
many friends thought i was killed as there were a famous rebel called Mina Danial was assassinated by army as shown later on videos by a machine gun from the top of an army vehicle.
this guy Mina Danial was a revolutionary icon. he made people understand what happened despite the lie of official media.  
till now no one of the military had an official ceremony as a victim of that night.

the copts side:
Death(s) 28
Injuries 212
  of christian copts were assasinated or were run over by heavy army vehicles and all are recorded that time life.
for reference :

 it means Egyptians that are native, not arab. but it is a name used commonly to describe christian egyptians.

Supreme Council of Armed Forces, a group of 20 bad ass senior Egyptian military officials described as basically the bastards of the dictator Mubarak. They took over power of presidency in Egypt following the fall of their boss. They have followed the foot steps of the criminal in crushing the protesters, taking civilians to military courts, delaying prosecutions for corrupt ex regime figures, encouraging police forces to attack demonstrators thus curbing the revolution. SCAF is always mistaken for Stretched Cunt Ass Fuck, which is a similar meaning.
and Al Sisi the current Egyptian president is a part of this SCAF that time.

is the name of the huge building on the bank of the Nile river in CairoEgypt. It is the headquarters of theEgyptian Radio and Television Union (formerly the Arab Radio and Television Union, the oldest state-run broadcasting organisation in the Arab World, and Africa. Maspero is also the name of the street, which this building overlooks.

الثلاثاء، 17 مارس 2015

شيماء الصباغ.. ابننا غلط ويحاسب!

عن قضية شيماء الصباغ
بعد إحالة ضابط تحت توصيف ضرب أفضى إلى موت مع تحويل اللوا المتستر مضلل العدالة لشاهد إثبات. وإحالة أعضاء الحزب للمحاكمة بقانون التظاهر.

انت عندك قضية موازية بتاعة التظاهر هيتحكم فيها بأنهم مخترقين قانون التظاهر وكدروا السلم والأمن  فبعدها ياخدوا الحكم يضموه على قضية الظابط يطلع دفاع عن القانون ويكون قضاله سنتين في معسكر أمن مركزي معزز مكرم ثم يتحكم عليه ب 3 سنين وهو حسن السير والسلوك طبعا فيخرج أو يقعد شهرين.
ابنهم غلط وبيتحاسب.
عشان تاني مرة أي حد معاه كاميرا أو موبايل ولادهم يقتلوه الأول. قبل ما يدبحوا
انت بتكتب يا أحمد!